The Hanging Church – Coptic Cairo

The Hanging Church is considered the oldest and most famous church in Egypt. It lies in Coptic Cairo beside the Babylon fortress.

The history of this church: This building was originally a Roman temple, but in the fourth century AD, after Christianity entered Egypt, it was transferred to be a church.

The Hanging Church became the seat of the Coptic Pope at the beginning of the eleventh century AD. Now, it is transferred to Abbasiya.

Let’s take a tour of the church: The first thing you will see is a group of mosaic icons referring to important events in Christianity, such as the miracle of transferring Mount Mokattam and the Journey of The Holy Family.

After that, you will see its Truss roof distinguishing this church. It is said that this roof referring to Noah’s Ark as a symbol of salvation and peace.

Then, you will enter the building of the church. It takes the Basilic design. At the end of the nave, there are three shrines for Mar Girgis, Virgin Mary, and John the Baptist.

The Hanging Church - Egypt Vacation Tours (2)

At the end of this article, we will tell you why this church is called a hanging church. Originally, this church was called the Virgin Mary Church, but after that, it is called the Hanging Church because it was founded on two towers of the Babylon fortress, so it appeared as hanging.

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